Presidential Candidate, Jeb Bush, tours Nephron Pharmaceuticals Headquarters in South Carolina, designed by ACi Architecture.

“Nephron Pharmaceutical headquarters and manufacturing plant embodies what makes the future of America exciting. Opportunity. Discovery. Innovation. The beautiful design of the building is transformative in its expression of just that. It excites and creates environments which will hopefully result in breakthrough’s for the company and those it serves.”

– Governor Jeb Bush

ACi serves as the Architect for this science laboratory, manufacturing, office campus master plan for 66-Acre and 800,000 GSF pharmaceutical facilities manufacturing program. The facility includes a reception/training center, administration, chemistry, microbiology & ISO 1 thru ISO 7 clean rooms, research labs, state-of-the-art-testing, machine shop and spare parts storage, and sterile clean room manufacturing including formulation areas, plastics materials silos, plastics regrind area, AGV & robotics throughout facility. All process systems & facilities support infrastructures are designed to comply with FDA and European QC/QA validation requirements. New 3-megawatt Electrical Co-generation NO2 Plant provides internal power/renewable energy resources on-site reducing dependencies & enabling uninterrupted operations while minimizing impacts to natural resources. $107 million project cost.