ACi Architects believes involving traditional and modern elements and technologies in our approach to apartment living is an important differentiator for our clients multi family projects. For an economic sector which has thrived the last decade in multi family product, it is critical the projects we design, not only meet the owner’s financial requirements and the communities they reside in, but also keep the end-users expectations and needs ever present to serve profitable and sustainable. Whether that deals specifically with amenities, transportation, public-private partnerships, density or experience scripting, we have a proven track record in designing projects which lease-up faster and have a higher rate-of-return for the owners. We take pride in that.

“ACi is viewed as a leader in purpose-driven community design. They have assisted in transforming a section of our community and stimulating a significant new tax base that is improving our city’s quality of life. Lake Mary was one of the first SunRail locations with new mixed-use TOD projects approved, designed, permitted and under construction. We have more than $30 million of new development. Lake Mary has been able to move forward due to ACi’s unique design knowledge. ACi has proven to be a trusted partner.”
– Mayor David Mealor